Friday, December 5, 2008

How am I the Biggest Douche Bag?

I am trying to figure out why I am a close second to Dad DiDio in the Douche Bag category. I am not sure I deserve that monocle. Seems like I could be the nicest of the shows hosts. Obviously I am wrong because you as the viewers are always right. I would like to know WHY everyone thinks I am a giant Douche Bag? Is there a specific reason? Is it my grating voice? Is it my large ball sack? I am sure that one of them could be the culprit.

Perhaps I come across as too polite and people aren't used to that due to the fact that Ryan is kind of harsh at times. This is due to his lack of sexual activity. I don't count sex with ones self as actual sex. This could be the reason for his douche baggery. I can't explain mine, other than it's just my o'natural self.



Chronic Insomnia said...

Do you deserve that monocle? Yes, I think anybody who wins the D-Bag award should absolutely receive an eye-piece so that they can look like the Monopoly guy. Who is also a D-Bag. And I am also a D-Bag for making fun of you for saying "monocle" when you probably meant "moniker".


Big Dave said...

Well...I knew what you meant by 'monocle', but chose not to comment on this. In fact, it seems like anyone who would is a big D-Bag! But NO ONE is a bigger D-Bag (in comics) than Didio!