Thursday, April 24, 2008

The future of The Chronic Insomnia Podcast

For the next few weeks Chronic Insomnia will go on like always, and even with the cable access show you still might get a bi-weekly show. I guess it all depends on how much time the TV show takes out of our busy lives. I would love to continue doing the audio show, because at this stage with the show it only takes about an hour to record a 45 minute show, which is pretty easy and could be something we do on the side. Who knows. But for right now expect the show to at least go through it's year anniversary and beyond. I would venture to say that every once in a while you might see a new episode pop up when you least expect it.

As of right now we are not pushing the cable access show too much cause we are not sure of the restrictions we might have with doing a TV show. We might even be able to podcast our show is some way. That would be the ultimate and if that happens then you will see us again for sure.

So for right now, all of our 15 loyal listeners should just keep their ears open on the audio podcast and enjoy the show. Please take a look at our Blog also.


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